COLOR Youth Camp
Welcome to the homepage of the Lord Our Righteousness Youth Camp. The Church of the Lord Our Righteousness has been providing a Youth Camp retreat for nearly seventy years, staffed by Church members and former campers. Check us out on Facebook!
Camp History
We invite you to take a celebratory fifty-year tour of the history and memories of Youth Camp from inception to the new millenium.
Camp Sign Up
We are not currently accepting signups. Please check back later!
Camp Overview
Camp Date
July 14th - July 19th 2024
LOR Youth Camp is sponsored by the United Church of the Lord our Righteousness. Its objective is to provide a camping and group living experience for children and to instill in them an appreciation of God's love beginning with the gift of his Son. Camp Bible lessons are interdenominational and suitable for children of most Christian faiths. The camp is licensed and inspected by the Michigan Department of Social Services.
Camp Location
Camp Wathana, 9750 Milford Road, Holly, MI 48442 (click for map and directions).
Bible lessons, crafts, kickball, ga-ga ball, nature study, campfire, canoeing, archery, low ropes course and swimming. Swimming is lifeguarded and carefully supervised.
$125 per child. Make checks payable to C.O.L.O.R. Fees must be paid one week prior to start of camp.
8-17 (18 yr. olds who have attended this camp at least 1 year are welcome as cabin counselors; those 18 and/or graduated from high school and who have completed all staff forms and training are welcome as staff).
Camperships Available
A limited number are available. If you know of a child who needs to be sponsored or wish to sponsor a child, please contact us.
Updates on Facebook
Pictures and updates are posted daily on our Facebook page during camp. You're encouraged to visit and see what everyone is up to throughout the week!
Additional Activities
Every night we have campfire where campers tell jokes, perform skits, songs and musical numbers that award points for their individual cabins. Come prepared! On Thursday night the campers put on a Variety Show. Campers should bring along ideas and props if needed.