1967 - 1969
Places: Island Lake, Brighton, MI – all three years
1967--57 campers, 10 pre-campers and 28 adults
1968--85 campers and pre-campers
Director: David Charles
We settled in at Island Lake and enjoyed each year there--it was home. We had a small meeting room but the acoustics were something else!! The camps songs resounded and every one was sung with gusto. When it was almost vespers time we could see the kids gathering in so they could get their favorite window seat. A couple of our campers that especially loved the singing were Robert Ripley and Kathy Lane.
Many kids remember swim time at Island Lake--what fun it was to load up in cars, vans and the back of trucks to drive over to Kent Lake. It had its bad moments for the staff but the campers loved it!!
1967 was the first year for the big divisions of the kids. We had classes, crafts and activities (Tom Chuhran led out in those adventures) with everyone switching around. The famous point system started under David's leadership.
In 1969 instead of activities Elder Richard Cooke instituted the famous nature studies!! Some of the memories of that year's nature were "We eat grass for breakfast, Playing with poison ivy is like Russian roulette."
Crafts: String pictures, napkin caddies, and a wishing-well pencil holder. Roger Trueman led out in crafts these years.