1970 - 1974
Place: Island Lake, Brighton, MI
1971--58 campers 1972--64 campers
1973--61 campers 1974--71 campers
New Director: Don Begeman
These were the last wonderful years at Island Lake and they will never be forgotten. The restroom at the bottom of the hill--the brown log fence at the top with kids hanging on it crying because they had to go home after only a week of camp (or were they crying because they had to say good-bye to handsome Jeff Trueman?).
Big changes--'70--director changed to Don Begeman and cook changed from Esta Slauter to Thelma Chapman, '73--Kay, Kathy and Sally take over music from Ruth, Geneva and Judy. 1974--Geneva is head cook for the first time as always assisted by Gerry Begeman. Tom Begeman leading calisthenics, Judy led campfire, Judy Chuhran turned the nursing job over to Kathy Gearhart a former camper. Judy Begeman and Tom Begeman were the life guards--time the state started the intense training to be a lifeguard. Judy Begeman organized a camp choir.
Crafts: Lazy Susan covered with ceramic tiles, wheelbarrow planter, painted ceramic animals with Dewey Chapman, Clora Hamilton and Dale Begeman leading out, decoupage technique plaques and oil painting with Hob and Ken.
Nature: Led by Hob Chapman and Richard Cooke teaching about skunks, feathers, fireflies, insects, birds, beavers and bees. Did you know you have to stay 13 feet away from a skunk? George Horner had to remind Tim Begeman one night.